How To Get Lower Abs for Men and Women. Make lower abdominal exercisesis quite difficult, especially for just beginning. But that does not mean you should avoid these exercises.
The key is to limit the exercise when one begins to train, not saturated and tired of the gym, so, you're going progressively increasing exercise and intensity with which you make.
I know that you want to have your six pack abs as fast as possible, but for this you have to work: you have to diet, training and aerobics.
On what are the best lower abdominal exercises basically all serve, but keep in mind the basics: While you're working you have to be feeling the bottom of your stomach is working (and not your back). And this is key because you can injure.
If at any time you feel you're working your back, stop the exercise immediately.
And good advice for when training is doing the exercises slowly. No rush anything. Exhaling when you contract the muscles and inspiring when descontraes.
Anyway, the key to see your abs is diet, you eat every day (and not eat). I long time I was doing sit-ups until I discovered this factor. Then I bought an ebook in which I found a meal plan that tells me day by day to eat, and also a fitness training plan and photos.
Therefore it is very important to read and to learn about the topic, as well as train. I recommend that you follow the following link to learn more about what are the