For whom? The Cretan diet is ideal for those who want to lose weight fast: about 3 kg in 15 days. You tried: fruits and vegetables, antioxidants, combined with other foods, contribute to the fight against cellular aging . Ready to remain lean up to 100 years?! How does it work? Stop the ice cream, the fried, the frozen pizza ... stop the damage caused by Quesi gluttony! With the Cretan diet will destroy your old bad habits, orientandoti towards a healthy and natural eating behavior. Fiber , vitamins , minerals and fatty acids become the allies of your line. typical day: - Breakfast: 1 low-fat yogurt + a plate of fresh fruit + 1 slice of wholemeal bread with a spoonful of jam without added sugar. - Lunch: skewers grilled chicken + rice + a portion of a portion of steamed vegetables with a drizzle of olive oil + a pear with cinnamon - Dinner: grapefruit salad with green olives, less caloric than black + sardines + vegetables + a slice of bread + a glass of wine (optional). To put it bluntly: This diet may be taken daily with ease, just increase a little 'time to the portions.