Saturday, November 3, 2012

Losing to Win - Loss of weight and muscle mass

Losing to Win - Loss of weight and muscle mass. The world of fitness, weight loss and muscle mass, has grown exponentially in recent years. This is due to the increasing number of people becoming aware of how damaging obesity and lack of fitness can be. For example, obesity is the leading cause of heart attack, stroke and diabetes in the Western world. The lack of fitness can lead to serious problems, too, including weakened muscles (I think the heart muscle) and more.

There are, however, some important things to consider when contemplating ways to lose than win, talking about weight loss and muscle mass, of course. For example, weight loss programs combined with increased muscle mass can actually give some misleading figures, if you are one of those who based their success on the daily scale reading.

Why is this? First, you must understand the difference between fat tissue and muscle tissue. fatty tissues are more noticeable than muscle tissue. They are also lighter than muscle tissue. Fat weighs less than muscle. Therefore, if you are trying to lose weight, while at the same time building muscle, you may notice that your actual weight gained! This can be frustrating if you do not understand what is happening. So, what happens?

To burn fat and build muscle, you should never let your weight be an indicator of success. This is vital - remember that muscle weighs more than fat, so the more muscle you build, heavier than your body will become. It is possible for a person thinner despite much or more than a heavy person, depending on the amount of muscle on their frames. Therefore, if you are basing your success on your bathroom scale, stop immediately. Judge your success by the size of your body, rather than its weight.

If you want to lose to win, you also need to know what to eat. The different foods affect the metabolism of ways. Elements of these foods are also stored and processed in different forms within its body. While consuming fat is not the healthiest solution, you might consider leaving the sugar, then reduce the amount of fat you eat. Also make sure that you follow a balanced diet - if not encourage your body to store fat reserves and burn muscle tissue for energy (as this is what it is programmed to do so).

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