Interval training, their secret to fat loss
So you're trying to lose weight right? That is awesome!
However, can not seem to lose the weight you want. Eating well is obviously a big factor in weight loss, but so is exercise and resistance training.
Today I will talk about cardio as a form of weight loss.
This is not your typical cardio though. When people want to lose weight, they think that all you have to do is hop on the treadmill or the elliptical and go for as long as possible. This is a very wrong way to approach cardio as a means to lose weight.
First, to make that kind of cardio will burn calories, that is a fact. So during that half hour to 45 minutes are walking, running, biking or whatever, you are burning calories. You can get a good estimate of how many calories are burned using the machine screen. So this form of cardio is not horrible, but not what you want to do in order to burn the spare tire around your waist.
If you have any proof that cardio endurance style is not what you want, just look at the people in those days the machines after day. Notice anything? Hint: They are almost always the same people, with the same weight, unless, of course, they gave up. You are much stronger and is much smarter than them.
Interval training
The type of cardio you should do is called Interval Training or sometimes high intensity interval training, or HIIT. Knowing how to do HIIT turn their sad results in a happy person in the mirror in no time.
Interval training is a fairly simple concept. You can use almost any intense activity that you enjoy and can stick to. You can swim, run, ride a bike, really whatever.
To heat for about 5 minutes, then you sprint, cycling, swimming, whatever as much as you can for one minute, then a little slower at moderate speed for 2 minutes and repeat.
Here is a sample interval training exercises:
Warm Up: 5 minutes
After each round comprises:
Hard Intensity: 1 minute
Moderate intensity: 2 Minutes
Repeat for cycles below
Then finish with 5 minutes of cooling.
Weeks 1-4: rounds 3, 3 times a week. Total time: 19 minutes per session.
Weeks 5-8: 4 rounds, 4 times a week. Total time: 22 minutes per session.
Weeks 9-12: 5 rounds, 4 times a week. Total time: 25 minutes per session.
Weeks 13-16: 6 rounds, 5 times a week. Total time: 28 minutes per session.
Why does interval training?
It accelerates the heart rate faster than is cardiovascular endurance, while giving you time to rest in between. Not only does interval training burn more calories during the activity, but also increases your metabolism long after you leave the gym. This means that while you shower, grab a healthy snack and reading articles like this, you will burn more calories.
The weight loss equation is simply this: Eat fewer calories than your body burns in a day. Or calories in less than calories burned. Since you are burning more calories while outside the gym, it helps a ton equation.
After a few weeks, you should notice a big difference.
Please note, if you are also doing resistance training, you should do some, then make sure you do this after resistance training, ever.
Have fun! Weight loss does not have to suck, enjoying the ride will help you enjoy the end result more.
Good luck with your weight loss goals.