The construction of a training balanced weight loss. Many people work very hard in the gym. Most people have no idea what they are doing while they are working hard. They put tons of effort into the exercises that do not matter, are not good for them, or worse, can be harmful. This article explains the basic concepts behind the creation of a balanced and effective training weight loss so you can stop wasting time in the gym and get on with your life.
First, some thoughts on the word "balanced". In this case, when I say balanced, I mean equal work will be done between the muscle groups of the body. This may not be appropriate if you have existing muscle imbalances, and that will only be getting stronger imbalances doing the same job. This is exactly why you should seek the help of a professional personal trainer when you start. Find an exercise specialist correction (NASM) in your area for a good start.
Now, in the training of a balanced construction. First, you exercises are divided into three categories, the upper body, lower body and total. We will discuss upper body first.
You'll break the upper body in two movements, pushing and pulling. Some examples of pushing exercises are push-ups, dips, bench press, bench press, overhead press. Some examples of pulling exercises are pull-ups, pull-downs, rows, inverted rows, pulls his face.
You will generalize the lower body and I consider everything a movement system. Examples of lower extremity exercises are squats, lunges, step ups, dead lifts and any variation thereof.
Total body movements involving the entire body, or head to the integration of the whole body. There is some cross-over between the selections of exercise as most effectively exercises the whole body challenge, but we organize our divisions for more efficient workouts. Examples of whole body movements are tables, cable twists, chops wood, and Turkish get-ups.
Choose one upper body push, a pull upper body, a lower body, and a total body workout. Arrange them in this way:
Upper body pull
Lower Body
High body pressure
Total body
Perform circuit so 3-4 sets of 8-15 reps and you have a great core workout. An example would be:
Pull-ups (assisted if necessary)
Squats (body weight or weight)
Keep Plank (20-60 seconds in)
An exercise like this should not take more than 30 minutes and you will reach every muscle group. This exercise is a great weight loss, and very easy to assemble.