Best Cheap Weight Loss Foods-Review-Work Fat-Program-Guide. From the main artery (aorta) outgoing, usually sudden, severe pain can - except in the chest and back -. occur in the upper abdomen or deep inside the abdomen A peritoneal inflammation or irritation caused depending on the trigger either at specific locations or anywhere in abdominal pain . The latter can, for example, in a metabolic crisis because of a derailed happen diabetes. Also, the abdominal pain b an hereditary diseases such as sickle cell disease and familial Mediterranean fever often affect the entire abdomen. food intolerances or allergies can cause various body reactions, including diffuse, palpable pain anywhere in the abdomen, possibly vomiting and diarrhea. Fairly typical: The symptoms often begin already in contact with the responsible trigger. It comes to furry, swollen lips and a furry feeling in the mouth, maybe a runny nose and watery eyes. Also skin as hives with itching are possible, perhaps even asthma attacks or a state of shock. epigastric Pneumonia and / or pleurisy are indeed typical thoracic diseases. However, they can sometimes also lead to abdominal pain. The same applies to a pneumothorax - a collapsed lung on admission of air into the pleural gap - and a pulmonary embolism . pain in coronary artery disease - angina pectoris in a coronary heart disease or heart attack - also in pericardial inflammation does not radiate rare in the upper abdomen, or are mainly there felt. 's reflux or gastroesophageal reflux disease of the esophagus makes Although usually in the chest under the breastbone, preferably when lying noticeable. You can also reach the upper abdomen with their complaints, however. Symptom is heartburn . often stuck gastric diseases such as gastritis , dyspepsia or peptic ulcer pain behind in this area. No coincidence that they are so called stomach. Pain in the upper abdomen immediately after eating or regardless of the duration of pain, often indicate a stomach ulcer. Occasionally, the doctor diagnosed at the upper abdominal pain that rare "giant wrinkle disease" (Menetrier's disease) of the stomach. questioning arrive at this location of pain and diseases of the duodenum (duodenal ulcer, inflammation). A duodenal ulcer k