Best Weight Loss Food Combinations-Review-Work Fat-Program-Guide-Best, the other causes questioned. Familiarize yourself with painful "colic" felt that can temporarily paralyze even the intestines. This also applies to renal infarction or acute distension of the bladder with urinary retention. The urinary retention is often caused by a mechanical outflow obstruction. So when can men a greatly enlarged prostate block the emptying of the bladder and lead to extremely painful overstretching. Among boys, male adolescents, and sometimes adult young men gives sometimes a testicular torsion , ie a rotation of testis and spermatic cord, acute, the image of a " abdomen. " Endometriosis is a gynecological disorders . Here uterine lining grows outside the uterus, such as inside or outside on the wall of the uterus, on the ovaries, sometimes in a different body area. Under the influence of female sex hormones, the tissue may change and lead to acute discomfort in the lower abdomen, if located there. It is striking that the symptoms may occur cyclically. As another possible source of pain is a Steal rotation of the ovary. This is more common in larger cysts or tumors of the ovary. If such a structure bursts, danger to life by bleeding in the abdomen (Notfall!). Similar complications can an ectopic pregnancy (see below) cause. abdominal hemorrhage Even in the tendon sheath of the abdominal wall musculature is able to trigger an extremely strong pressure pain especially on the abdomen, which is reminiscent of an emergency. In the case of external viscera fractions (= hernias, inguinal hernias in common than in femoral hernias) bowel loops can be trapped with. Here, a bowel obstruction is possible, as is a strong damage of the intestine. - Outside of the abdomen : heart, lung, aorta The following other diseases occur not only with acute chest pain and circulation problems in appearance. Sometimes they go mainly with signs of "acute abdomen" hand in hand. Be mentioned here: myocardial infarction, acute heart failure (may cause abdominal pain by case tension as a result of liver congestion), pulmonary embolism, pneumothorax (collapsed lung with air in the pleural gap), pneumonia, pleural and mediastinal inflammation. Similarly, occasionally in esophageal diseases and ballooning (aneurysm) of the aorta with a tear. - metabolism and hormones: A derailed diabetes (ketoacidosis) solves sometimes a so-called Pseudoperitonitis with violent retching and (upper) abdominal pain ("chemical peritonitis") from . Strong metabolic disorders, such as a massive increase in triglyceride levels in the blood, an effect sometimes similar. Sequence can be here a pronounced pancreatic inflammation that leads to the clinical picture of "acute abdomen." Another possible cause of acute abdominal pain is hidden in the adrenal generally little known. An adrenal fatigue or Addison's disease, for example, can sometimes worsen crisis-ridden. Here are possible symptoms such as nausea, severe abdominal or flank pain, fainting and shock. The therapy consists among other things, the replacement of the missing hormones. too massive overactive thyroid (thyroid storm) or a greatly increased calcium in the blood (hypercalcemic crisis) call sometimes next to other threatening disorders a "acute abdomen" out. In one particular, acute form of hepatic porphyria with respect to repeated severe acute abdominal pain and neurological disturbances may occur. Porphyrias are metabolic disorders that affect a component of hemoglobin. Finally sometimes pulls a entgleisendes renal failure the abdomen affected. - blood illness and diseases, infectious diseases: Morbid breakdown of red blood cells (hemolysis, including in sickle cell anemia or malaria ) leads to anemia with general weakness , fatigue , possibly paler skin . Are also possible acute, crisis-like abdominal pain. The white of the eye may take a slightly yellowish color - expression of an incipient jaundice. It arises because of the bile pigment bilirubin accumulates increased. Bilirubin is a breakdown product of the blood pigment hemoglobin. occasionally cause other blood diseases cause Milzinfarkte. Again, severe "abdominal crises" result. - Pregnancy: In pregnancy (www.baby-and-familie.de), acute abdominal symptoms - for example as a result of appendicitis, biliary or renal colic - not more or less often than usual, too if surgery is necessary, the pregnancy can be maintained in general. A special feature of pregnancy is called the HELLP syndrome . The derived from English acronym made up of the letters for the terms hemolysis (blood coagulate and (H)), elevated liver enzymes (EL), and low platelet count (LP) together. The clinical picture is one of the gestoses. These are diseases that only occur in pregnancy. Often in a toxemia, for example, developed a high blood pressure . During the transition of preeclampsia in HELLP syndrome occurs to the disintegration of red blood cells, blood clotting disorders, vomiting,