Cheap Weight Loss Eating Plan-Review-Work Fat-Program-Guide. When to see a doctor? Whenever you get the impression that something is not right about the alleged benign symptom addition. Unusual discomfort in the short term, if this is how the abdominal pain itself, does not want soft after one to two days. Immediately if pain increase rapidly and convenient as possible postures to help relieve the pain barely ("acute abdomen", see section below). And in further warning or listed as following emergency symptoms you should quickly seek medical advice or alert an emergency: Repeated severe vomiting, vomiting of blood, black Dyed ("coffee grounds") or even of chair Bloody diarrhea Blood in stool Chair that looks like black tar Chair or Urinverhalt; greatly distended abdomen Sudden bleeding from the vagina or urethra Severe chest pain or back pain Shortness of breath; high fever Circulatory weakness or fainting , clammy, pale, pale or bluish-purple skin, shock Paralysis or loss of consciousness Diagnosis First, it is important to establish whether an emergency exists. Evidence comes from the examination of vital signs - circulation, respiration, Bewusstein -, the extent and type of pain and other alarm symptoms (see list above). abdominal pain In the belly of course is primarily the focus of further investigation. This means: the stethoscope, the doctor listens to the bowel sounds and so does the intestinal function. If the person tolerates the scanning of the abdomen, the abdominal wall is not so extremely tense because of the pain (so-called guarding), the doctor can get an idea of whether a hyperinflation, a palpable change or possibly ascites is present. He looks scars and swelling, such as in the groin. If occasionally a pain is triggered when palpation, this can sometimes close to a particular cause. So for appendicitis (appendicitis), the pressure and letting go pain as a sign of peritoneal irritation in the right, sometimes in the left lower abdomen typically, but not essential. presence of a pronounced inflammatory diverticular disease of the intestine (see below, section "Full belly," diverticulitis), the same phenomena, especially in the left lower abdomen occur. course, the doctor examines always also heart