Best Weight Loss Program For Men Over 40-Review-Work Fat-Program-Guide-Best, "A large glass of water before a meal fills the stomach and can contribute to satiety," says Gisela Olias. However, it may be that the stomach growls rather then again - for example, if you have eaten at the meal altogether too little or the ingested food was particularly easy to digest. "Whether this trick is personally meaningful for one, so everyone has to find out." In any case, can be saved by proper selection of drinks Calories: soft drinks and juices not contain as many calories as alcohol, but also hid fattening hide . A glass of juice (0.2 liters) contains about 50 calories for example, a small bottle of coke (0.33 liters) of about 40 kilocalories. Therefore, people who want to lose weight, mainly access to water and unsweetened tea or coffee. On sugary soft drinks it is best to refrain entirely and enjoy juices in small amounts and diluted with water.