Fast Weight Loss Diet Plan Menu-Review-Work Fat-Program-Guide. No carbs in the evening, which helps you lose weight? Is this diet a miracle cure to get rid of love handles? Like many others, this also poses Abspeckstrategie their pitfalls Basta with the pasta? Those who eat less carbs, is supposed to decrease Slim in his sleep? That's it! The theory: who adamantly avoided in the evening on carbs, fat burns at night. He eats the other hand, in the evening a portion of pasta, the fat loss will be blocked. "There is some truth," says Professor Susanne Klaus the German Institute of Human Nutrition in Potsdam-Rehbruecke. Explained simply: When you eat carbohydrates, your blood sugar rises. As a result, the body's own hormone insulin is released. It causes the sugar, and more specifically, the glucose , from the blood to enter the cells. At the same time promotes the formation of fat and insulin inhibits its degradation. During the day, the body meets its energy needs mostly about food. Night attacks the organism in need of its own reserves in order to get energy. And that happens, among other things through the breakdown of fats. But: Even on the day the body goes to the fat stores if you consume more energy than you carry - through sports . And they resist the carbohydrate meal in the evening, you may not eat during the day anyway. "It always counts the total amount of energy one day," Klaus says. So it does matter the calories that you consume each day.