Cheapest Weight Loss Food-Review-Work Fat-Program-Guide. and lungs, as possible causes of pain in the area of the chest and upper abdomen also come into question. He also takes a look at the whites of eyes and skin (yellow discoloration?), Tongue (drying of the mucous membranes?) And posture. extremely important for diagnosis are also details of the patient's medical history and pain history and character. Questions that interest the doctor here are, for example: Did the pain start suddenly or gradually? The existence of pain for some time? Are there recurring, rather uniform or attacks like pain? Hang them along with the food? How is pain: piercing, cutting, boring, dull? If the bowel strikingly slow or has a tendency to constipation strengthened? There is loss of appetite ? And in women of childbearing age: If a pregnancy? Other results from laboratory studies and technical procedures such as X-ray , ECG (recording the electrocardiogram, electrocardiogram) and ultrasound ( sonography ). Primary medical care, in a procedure, an intensive care or inpatient monitoring exist. Often before further investigations are necessary - from a CT scan of a endoscopy , such as a gastroscopy, to the cardiac catheterization and more. Eventually assumes a urologist, gynecologist, neurologist or psychiatrist further care. Abdominal pain-Check Whole abdominal For the few diseases of the abdominal organs, there is a single, typical localization of pain. Although most of the following diseases may cause discomfort at a certain point more or less. But the pain shift sometimes be felt in the abdomen or anywhere. An example is the appendicitis, the pain in the beginning of love hiking. In a gastricGut infection (gastroenteritis) or inflammatory bowel disease such as Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis, although often occur in the middle and lower abdomen pain, but ultimately they know what affects the stomach, no limits. It can also cause diarrhea, which is often bloody. pain due to diverticulitis (inflamed diverticulum, which are Schleimhautausstülpungen in muscle gaps of the intestinal wall), with narrowing of the intestine, the irritable bowel syndrome or simply as a result of bloating also often affect the entire abdomen. This also applies to an acute inflammation of the pancreas