Best Weight Loss Foods To Eat At Night-Review-Work Fat-Program-Guide-Best, Also possible that a tumor blocks the colon. Sometimes a Kotstein, gallstone or a twisted piece of intestine (volvulus in adults turn rarely) fault. A so-called toxic megacolon threatened with highly acute, chronic inflammatory bowel disease. Here, the damaged intestinal inflates massively. The risk of a perforated ulcer with peritonitis and shock is large. According operations on the digestive organs complications occur as intestinal paralysis, a rare peritonitis. Whether an intestinal paralysis - as such by definition not associated with abdominal pain - pain preceded depends on the trigger. A painful bowel obstruction may turn into a paralytic ileus. blood vessels and lymphatic system to "acute abdomen" sometimes cause inflammation of the intestinal arteries. This may occur, for example, under certain immunological diseases. For some diseases of the heart or artery, the main body sometimes reaches a blood clot in a vessel and clogs it abdomen. More rarely, a veno-occlusive forms in the abdomen. The technical term is accordingly mesenteric arteries or veins closure. Outflow disturbances in hepatic veins (Budd-Chiari syndrome) or a tear in the abdominal aorta or its branches also cause acute abdominal symptoms. rare are the lymphatic system disorders for "acute abdomen" responsible. urinary and (inner) genitals Here come as pyelonephritis or - abscesses, an acute urinary retention by the kidney stones o