Fast Weight Loss Diet Plan Uk-Review-Work Fat-Program-Guide.Nevertheless, says the nutritionist, "eat less carbs to lose weight is definitely worth a try." This weight loss method is easy to implement. One had not before each meal laboriously count calories, but simply eating less of certain foods. Thus, for example, stuck in bread, pasta, rice, sweets, food made with white flour and sugary soft drinks plenty of carbohydrates. Similarly, in potatoes and fruit - but also depending on the variety. In addition, these foods contain different types of carbohydrates. While candy and sweet Limos mainly consist of fast-digesting sugars, for example, come in legumes and whole-grain bread from complex carbohydrates. Quickly digested carbohydrates allow the blood sugar to skyrocket quickly and usually make enough for a short time. Complex carbohydrates we digest slowly, let the blood glucose to rise only moderately and saturate much longer. Would you eat fewer carbohydrates, you should save, especially in sweets and sugary sodas. Two to three per week Nascheinheiten are perfectly fine, every day would be a little too much. Whole grains - as rice, spaghetti or bread - you should please not completely resist. This also applies to fruit While stuck in bananas, kiwis and dried fruit relatively large amount of glucose, but they also contain important vitamins , minerals and fiber. Fruit should therefore continue to be on the menu. Tip: You can make the portions smaller for whole grain products. So less pasta and rice, but more vegetables on the plate. Not make the daily hot meal with carbohydrates. Instead, once a portion of salmon or turkey fry and this rich salad. Since "often contain a lot of sugar dressings finished" as Klaus warns a homemade sauce with vinegar and oil is more suitable. Bread by the Germans primarily meet their needs for carbohydrates, the German Society for Nutrition found. Again, there are potential savings: Instead of two slices of bread combine cuts with a portion of salad, radishes or yogurt. Also makes a thinner slice tired. Are you only focused on carbohydrate waiver, you might forget that provides calories and fat. A gram of fat contains about nine calories, the same amount of sugar only about four kilocalories. Nutrition experts say that a low carbohydrate diet is often associated with an increased consumption of fat and protein. But greasy junk foods make the pounds disappear as little as sweet sins! Conclusion: It may be the weight loss help if you take less carbs - related to the whole day. The method can be implemented easily and saves calories, nutrition expert says Klaus. "However, this applies only if you eat fewer calories overall." No sugar, but more fat or other energy source so does nothing. You also need to move. It burns calories and builds muscle mass. More muscles consume more energy.