Inexpensive Weight Loss Foods-Review-Work Fat-Program-Guide. önnen for example with an empty stomach complaints (late at night) indicate that better after eating. stretched an acute bile duct can cause upper abdominal pain radiating to the back. Responsible is often a gallstone (see also below, section "right in the upper abdomen"). pancreatitis or cysts are other possible causes of acute, potentially recurrent upper abdominal pain. A tumor of abdominal organ and adjacent structures such as the diaphragm or pleura is also causally consideration. Even the main artery emerges occasionally as a source of abdominal pain. The vessel may dilate ( aneurysm ) and tear. A wall tear (dissection, aneurysm without possible) runs may be dramatic, sometimes fatal. Symptom is a strong chest, back or abdominal pain (Notfall!), plus possibly a circulatory shock. All this can happen with a heart attack, so a certain likelihood. The complications of aneurysm include, moreover, heart or bowel infarction. Rarely can cause circulatory disorders of the digestive system discomfort in the upper abdomen. Sometimes a narrowing of the bowel or a disease of the lymphatic system behind it. , the left upper abdomen houses the spleen. Diseases of this organ that is primarily play at this angle from the body and any relevant pain may radiate to the left shoulder. latter also applies to diseases of the kidneys,