Weight Loss Program According To Blood Type Review-Work Fat-Program-Guide-Best. Classification of overweight and obesity (WHO, 1998).
Underweight <18.5 kg / m. Normal weight 18.5-24.9 sq.m.
Overweight 25.0-29.9 kg / m.
Obesity 1st degree 30,0-34,9 kg / sqm
Obesity 2nd degree 35,0-39,9 kg / m 2
Obesity third degree> 40.0 kg / m 2
Please note that BMI is not reliable in the elderly over 65 years, athletes, pregnant women and children.
3. In the presence of excess body weight should limit your intake of animal fats, carbohydrates (bread products, sweets, cakes, sweet fruit, etc.) daily calorie diet should be less than 2000 kcal.
4. Increase physical activity. A set of exercises and the degree of physical activity should be discussed with your doctor.
Help, which specialists may be required.
In the presence of excess body weight is necessary to consult the experts: endocrinologist, nutritionist.
Individual approach to the treatment of obesity main principle of successful treatment.