The mucosa is usually red, swollen, ulcerated. The disease is accompanied by fever (not always), hypersalivation, pain in the mouth, bleeding gums, and others. 14. thyrotoxicosis. When thyrotoxicosis increased levels of thyroid hormones. This causes an increase in metabolism and weight loss. Other typical symptoms include nervousness, heat intolerance, diarrhea, increased appetite, palpitations, sweating, trembling of the limbs. It is also possible enlargement of the thyroid gland and exophthalmos (protrusion of the eyeballs.) 15. Crohn's disease. Crohn's disease weight loss may be associated with pain and spasms in the abdomen, loss of appetite. Patients may complain of diarrhea, nausea, fever, tachycardia, "fluttering" in the stomach, weakness, and fatigue. 16. Ulcerative Colitis. When the disease is weight loss accompanied by abdominal pain, diarrhea with blood or pus, nausea, tenesmus, and sometimes fever. The symptoms of the disease resemble Crohn's disease. Patients lose their appetite, lose weight, look weak and emaciated. 17. Whipple's disease. The disease is associated with damage to the intestinal villi and malabsorption of nutrients. This is a rare disorder that manifests itself by weight loss, abdominal pain, diarrhea, steatorrhea, joint pain, fever, enlarged lymph nodes, enlarged spleen hyperpigmentation. 18. Medications. Amphetamines and other stimulants, thyroid hormones, laxatives, medicines and chemotherapy for cancer can cause weight loss. Small children, weight loss can be caused by so-called FTT-syndrome (food underdevelopment). Significant weight loss in children may be associated with diabetes. Chronic, progressive weight loss in children is often caused by starvation, improper diet. Older people have a slow, gradual weight loss may be associated with aging, decrease in muscle mass. Other possible causes - the difficulty with chewing of food, loss of teeth, alcoholism and psychiatric disorders. rapid weight loss for unknown reasons, in the elderly is associated with a statistically higher risk of premature death or disability.