Best Weight Loss Food To Eat-Review-Work Fat-Program-Guide-Best. Renal failure (uremia) can make also noticeable in the middle of the body. Lower abdomen In the lower abdomen typically resolve appendicitis (right, sometimes left) and Divertikelentzündungen (left, sometimes right) pain from (for diverticular disease / diverticulitis see above, section "Full stomach"). addition, here are urinary tract and internal reproductive organs. No wonder, then, that, for example, bladder infections are felt here or women notice the pain means. The Painkiller is not morbid, but when ovulation occurs, usually in the middle of the menstrual cycle. Here, a slight blood and mucus from the vagina is temporarily unavailable. pain associated with menstruation cause usually no problems with the mapping. Another possible cause of abdominal pain are fibroids of the uterus and fallopian tubes - and ovarian inflammation (preamble: pelvic inflammatory disease ). Often associated with it are painful and irregular menstrual bleeding. Cyclic pain can also be caused by endometriosis tissue in the lower abdomen. A pyometra is only really painful when it has spread to the wall muscles (possible causes: for example, sexually transmitted infections, infections after surgery such as curettage or by a spiral). In men, a prostate inflammation , rarely a seed cystitis pelvic pain . causing more pain to the side of the lower abdomen sometimes also perform a pelvic vein thrombosis or a hernia (hernia). The same localization is often also for inflammatory bowel diseases (Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis) question. Other possible pain phenomena are emanations from the right side of the gallbladder and the stomach, left side, a volvulus (see below, section "digestive") or inflamed Dickdarmdivertikel (see above in this paragraph).