Sunday, June 30, 2013

Best Weight Loss Program For Seniors-Review-Work Fat-Program-Guide-Best

Best Weight Loss Program For Seniors-Review-Work Fat-Program-Guide-Best, 1 Less alcohol What many do not realize: alcohol is a calorie bomb! A quarter of wine contains about 165 calories, half a pint of lager beer about 215 calories - the latter corresponds to about half the calories of a chocolate bar or a tenth of the average calorie intake for an adult woman. "In addition, alcohol stimulates the appetite - so yes it is drunk as an aperitif," explains Dr. Gisela Olias by the German Institute of Human Nutrition Potsdam-Rehbruecke. The general recommendation is not, or at least only very rarely as possible and to consume alcohol in small quantities, so especially for those who want to reduce their weight.

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