Fastest Weight Loss Diet Plans-Review-Work Fat-Program-Guide. Eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa (anorexia), bulimia nervosa (short: Bulimia, also called dining Brecht addiction) and transitional forms revolve around a disturbed self-perception. The victims, mostly young girls and women, from a constricted view of your own body ruled: hold in principle for too thick, although the objective is not the case, and have panic anxiety to increase. Hence the other name for these disorders, namely body image disturbance. In fact, the body seems to be a source of permanent dissatisfaction. However, the actual conflicts lie deeper, in a complex identity disorder. Even boys can suffer from it - more often than commonly assumed. Bulimia nervosa is more common than anorexia nervosa. The latter untreated, leads to continued loss of weight with BMI values (see above) was 17.5 kg / m 2 or even lower. In bulimia, the affected hand hold most of the weight in the lower normal range or slightly underweight. After a binge, which phased repeated - defined as twice a week for three months - to make bulimia , patients immediately counter-measures to prevent weight gain in all circumstances: self-initiated vomiting, purging and draining by abusive intake of laxatives and diuretics, strict dieting, fasting, and an almost obsessive sports . Warning: watch Such behavior accurately, they can be warning signs. anorexia nervosa but also apply these strategies to patients. However, they do not suffer from food cravings. However, the disease can go into a bulimia. With this the energy deficit provoked by a hunger and emptying phase soon the next binge eating. Weight loss is both eating disorders, of course, not comparable, but he is aware of each initiated. Without treatment, the health suffers significantly. There may be physical damages such as the heart and kidneys, or secondary to psychological disorders. Often, the depression and addictions are. Anorexia nervosa runs often fatal. The bulimia can hide well, so the actual number is large. A timely psychotherapeutic treatment is urgently needed for both eating disorders. Contacts are Specialists in child and adolescent psychiatry. To Anorexia there is more information here.