Disclaimer For Weight Loss Program Review-Work Fat-Program-Guide-Best. Experts say that with this approach the body to lose excess weight is almost twice as fast. The system is as follows: During the first two weeks the number of calories you consume should be calculated using the formula (your weight in kilograms multiplied by 24) 100. During the third and fourth weeks of calories drastically reduced: (your weight in kilograms multiplied by 24) -300 And then every 2 weeks should change the rhythm of the calorie intake. Using standard tables calorie foods, you can fairly accurately calculate your daily energy consumption. To start the self-discipline to write down everything you eat, and calculate the calories and nutrients contained in each serving of food. By the way, if you find it difficult to understand how many calories should potrebyat at each meal, divide that number by 4 (for women) or 5 (for men). Do not strive for absolute perfection, strive for consistency. Many times we have seen how dieters get very good results at first. However, there comes a day when, for whatever reasons, the effect of the diet is reduced. But people continue to cling to the proven method - because he had once helped them.