Cheapest Most Effective Weight Loss Program-Review-Work Fat-Program-Guide-Best. The real loss of fat per day, fasting is about two hundred grams. So do not go hungry, the benefits of this little. During dieting, weight loss is usually one hundred percent from fat, but it is possible that weight loss is more rapid than the loss of body fat, then you should find out why. A different situation, fat loss more than weight loss. This happens, for example, when an obese person trying to lose weight through exercise. There is a reduction in fat mass and increase muscle mass. Maybe so, that fat is lost, and the mass increases. For example, if a person is after a long fast for a long time sitting on the reduced diet. In this case, the body fat spends energy to and parallel to the process of soft tissue reconstruction. Overall thin more than 1.4 kg per week undesirable. Since rapid loss of fat liver, skin, kidney, lymph overloaded toxins so it is better to lose weight slowly and drink plenty of water while. Here are the factors that affect weight gain fat: - more calories than necessary for the organism - medications that alter our body; - a slow metabolism; - artificial sugar, artificial fats genetically modified foods; - chemicals - preservatives, artificial dyes, pesticides. Therefore, eat natural food, install water filters, then you will be easier to achieve fast fat loss. basic rule for fat loss is the need to expend more calories than you enters the body with food. For this we need to reduce caloric intake and increase physical activity. Need to eliminate sugar from the diet, the food should be of high quality. Nutritionists offer at the minimum amount of calories based on weight and height for three days. On the fourth day you need to add four calories. This will speed up the metabolism, as well as additional fat loss. Of course, those extra calories should consist of healthy sources of protein, unsaturated fats and carbohydrates with a low glycemic index. Protein is required by the body, it can be produced from lean meat, egg whites, tuna. The best protein is found in whey, it is easily absorbed by the body. energy wasted body to digest a nutrient called dietary thermogenesis. Thermogenesis for fat is two percent for carbohydrates - five percent for proteins - Twenty-five percent. example, the energy consumption of the body to assimilate protein in 100g of tuna would be 25%, the absorption of carbohydrates 25g in 227g apple 5kkal amount and the cost of digestion 11 g fat 11 g olive oil - 2 kcal. As you can see, protein intake increases the cost of the body to digest than other substances, so it is important to include protein in your daily diet. Regarding carbohydrates, then most of them share in the diet must be in its complex, w