Does Medicare Pay For Weight Loss Program Review-Work Fat-Program-Guide-Best. In all malignant tumors in the body of patients with tumor cell takes metabolites (glucose, lipids, vitamins), which leads to disruption of biochemical processes, depletion of domestic resources and develop cachexia (wasting). It is characterized by sudden weakness, loss of earning capacity and opportunities to serve themselves, lack or loss of appetite. Many cancer patients is cancer cachexia is the immediate cause of death.
Weight loss - as the leading symptom is characteristic of a specific endocrine disease (hyperthyroidism, hypopituitarism, diabetes mellitus type 1). In these conditions is a violation of developing various hormones, which leads to a serious breakdown of metabolic processes in the body.
Hyperthyroidism - a syndrome which includes conditions caused by increase of thyroid hormones. In the body there is an increased protein degradation processes and glycogen content decreases their heart, liver and muscle. It is manifested by general weakness, tearfulness, mood instability. Disturbing palpitation, arrhythmias, sweating, tremor of the hands. An important symptom is weight loss when stored appetite. It occurs in diffuse toxic goiter, toxic adenoma, the initial stage of autoimmune thyroiditis.